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Development Of Decision Support System For Warranty Decision On Consumer Durable Products
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Title Development Of Decision Support System For Warranty Decision On Consumer Durable Products
Call Number 2010/II/03
Author(s) Hutama Parwananta
Time Value of Money
Classification 658.403
Series Title
GMD Tugas Akhir
Language Indonesia
Publisher Jurusan Teknik Industri FTI-ITS
Publishing Year 2010
Publishing Place Surabaya
Specific Detail Info In global market competition, where many sellers are competing to earn their own market share, it is very likely to find a situation where price and specification of the product is no longer suitable to differentiate products in purchase decision. According to Blischke and Murthy (1995), in such conditions warranty has become one of considerations for purchasing decision. This shows that warranty has developed from only a fulfillment of legal aspects of product, to a protection, and currently to a marketing tool. However it is not easy for the producer to make a warranty scenario which would give maximum marketing impact but not excessing their reserve cost for warranty. To help the producer or seller determine the best warranty scenario a decision support system (DSS) software is deveolped in this research. The first step of developong the software (Warranty DSS 1.0) is to create the decision making model, and determine the alternative decisions. The alternatives of warranty decision making lies on the warranty scenario which is a combination of warranty policy and period. Expected warranty cost and consumer preference factor are the consequences of a decision considered in this research. These two factors is used to calculate user utility value for each alternative. The user utility value then used as a selection criteria for selecting the best alternative. This software is developed on microsoft excel visual basic application platform for the easiness and user-friendliness to use. The Warranty DSS 1.0 that has been developed in this research successfully performed its intended purpose to suggest the best warranty scenario alternatives to users. The software has also integrated time-value-of-money in its calculation which has been overlooked in previous researchs. Comparing to the manual calculation perform generally, this software provide an easier, faster and more accurate way of obtaining the best alt
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Pembimbing Dr. Maria Anityasari, ST, ME
Volume 1
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